Tuesday 12 January 2010

Trick'n Shooting Diary

A2 "Trick'n" Video Planning:

Due to not having enough actors for my video, I have to change the story line before I start filming. Make sure everything is planned out well day by day because I only have the weekend to do the filming because the only actors I could get wore at Farnham. So I have to commute far to film my video, so everything has to be done by my planning.

17th October 2009, Day plan:
Film most of the narrative:
The bus stop scene
All the park scenes
“Mullage” calling the girl scene
The phone scene
The party scene

18th October 2009, Day plan:
Film most of the Performance:
Film “Mullage” separately [Long shot, Mid shot & Close up]
Film “T-Pain” separately [Long shot, Mid shot, Long side shot & Close up]
Film “Mullage and T-Pain” performing together [Long shot, Mid shot & Bellow shot]
Film the two girls dancing

19th October 2009, Day plan:
Film anything that might need re-filming

1st Day of Filming: [17th October 2009]

Filmed most of the planned scenes of the performance, some of the narrative were filmed as well because I needed to use the same setting but different scene of the music video.

Scenes that got filmed :
Most of “T-Pains” performance
Both of the girls dancing – Together and separately
The bus stop scene
Park scene

2nd Day of Filming: [18th October 2009]

Scenes that got filmed :
Filmed all of the “Mullage” performance
Some of “T-Pain” performance
Both “Mullage and T-Pain” performing together
“Mullage” calling the girl
The phone scene

However due to some of my actors not being able to film today I couldn’t film the main part of my video [the end]. Unfortunately now I have to change the whole story because without that scene my music video will not make sense, so I have to use the scenes I already have and change them around to make a different story.

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