Thursday 14 January 2010

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Trick'n Shooting Diary

A2 "Trick'n" Video Planning:

Due to not having enough actors for my video, I have to change the story line before I start filming. Make sure everything is planned out well day by day because I only have the weekend to do the filming because the only actors I could get wore at Farnham. So I have to commute far to film my video, so everything has to be done by my planning.

17th October 2009, Day plan:
Film most of the narrative:
The bus stop scene
All the park scenes
“Mullage” calling the girl scene
The phone scene
The party scene

18th October 2009, Day plan:
Film most of the Performance:
Film “Mullage” separately [Long shot, Mid shot & Close up]
Film “T-Pain” separately [Long shot, Mid shot, Long side shot & Close up]
Film “Mullage and T-Pain” performing together [Long shot, Mid shot & Bellow shot]
Film the two girls dancing

19th October 2009, Day plan:
Film anything that might need re-filming

1st Day of Filming: [17th October 2009]

Filmed most of the planned scenes of the performance, some of the narrative were filmed as well because I needed to use the same setting but different scene of the music video.

Scenes that got filmed :
Most of “T-Pains” performance
Both of the girls dancing – Together and separately
The bus stop scene
Park scene

2nd Day of Filming: [18th October 2009]

Scenes that got filmed :
Filmed all of the “Mullage” performance
Some of “T-Pain” performance
Both “Mullage and T-Pain” performing together
“Mullage” calling the girl
The phone scene

However due to some of my actors not being able to film today I couldn’t film the main part of my video [the end]. Unfortunately now I have to change the whole story because without that scene my music video will not make sense, so I have to use the scenes I already have and change them around to make a different story.

Monday 11 January 2010


Location No.1:
UCA campus - Farnham, Surrey

Location No.2:
Bus stop scene - Farnham, Surrey, South Street

Location No.3:
The Park Scene - Farnham, Surrey, South Street

Props and Locations

  • Hard Disc Cam recorder
  • Empty tape
  • Tripod
  • Phone
    A Book


  • Next to the Buildings

  • At the bus stop

  • In the park

  • On the roof

  • In the house


  • Long shot

  • Mid Shot

  • Extreme Long Shot

  • Close Up

  • Two Shot

  • Tilt Shot

  • High angle Shot

  • Side Shot

Synopsis of My music Video - Annotations of the lyrics

Annotation of lyrics

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Shooting Schedule

History Of Hip Hop

Hip hop is a musical genre which developed alongside hip hop culture, and is based on the concepts of rapping, DJing, sampling, scratching, beatboxing and breakdancing. Hip hop began in the Bronx in New York City in the 1970s, primarily among African Americans, with Jamaican and Latino American immigrant influence. The term rap is often used synonymously with hip hop, but hip hop denotes the practices of an entire subculture. Modern beats incorporate synthesizers, drum machines, and live bands. Rappers may write, memorize, or improvise their lyrics and perform their works a cappella or to a beat.

Monday 4 January 2010

Kid Kudi - Day n' Nite [Music Video Analysis]

The extract opens up with a narrative of the artist arguing with his manager in a shop, the clothing used for the mise-en-scene is a uniform for the guy and a formal suit for the girl, which indicated the audience what roles these characters are going to be playing in this particular video. In this case we are shown that the artist is playing an ordinary guy working on a late shift in a shop.

The music starts playing as the next scene opens and the artist goes for the fire exit to take drugs on his night shift, which is clearly showing that he is not following the law and while he’s at work. This scene is mixed with narrative which is based on his illusions in the shop while he’s working and there also is performance which is him performing with two well exposed women by his side. These are all great examples of a stereotype Hip Hop music video, such as not following instructions, taking drugs and nude women to show their power. However this video is quite unique due to the fact that the main artist has all the typical facts of hip hop music videos but doesn’t portray the artist as very wealthy as its usually portrayed, it only has a wide use of his name around the shop throughout the shots used and the exposed women dancing around with his name on the packaging in front of a whole wall of the shop filled with boxes that have his name on it, this is possibly the way of showing his power as an artist in this video.

As the scenes continue to show his imagination coming into an illusion, a lot of the shots are edited in a fast pace to match the music which quite fast. This makes the video very interesting and effective which is most likely to keep the audience attention and probably make the audience want to see the video again, this is a very important issue that I will be needing to look at as a lot of hip hop music videos loose audience quite quickly.

As the exposed women dance next to the stocked shelves its as if the women are portrayed as products in the shop, which is degrading to women as almost all of hip hop videos illustrate this image of females. However the manager of the shop is a female which makes this different harder to figure out the meaning behind this, because she’s there at the beginning telling him of and she’s there at the end catching him messing around at work. This gradually indicates the audience that when was going through the illusion stage the women wore portrayed as he was the boss and they admired him, however as he comes back to reality his manager is the woman and she’s the one in charge. The setting at these part of the scenes are quite clear, when he is on his own and is in use of drugs he dreams of in his own world the lighting changes from natural lights which portray the reality to artificial yellow toned lighting that make the scenes look better to portray his imagination as everything is more attractive in that perspective but it’s all just his imagination.

To get a more successful hip-hop music video I would have to consider the stereotypical views of the hip hop culture, this would make my music video more professional as I am concentrating on this specific genre. And therefore to be successful with my final product I would have to include these views and study an existing music video such as this one by Kig Kudi.

Practice Task

Before I began to do my final music video for the A2 coursework, we wore given a chance to experiment with the use of camera shots, tripod and iMovie to examine how the programs work to get a better result for my final music video. We wore put in a group to do this task, which I'm glad i had this chance to experience as it gave me the full idea of the advantages and the disadvantages of working in a group. The biggest disadvantage of working in a group was that not everybody got involved in putting the video together [the editing]. The editing was the hardest part which I done by myself, when i finished putting it all together the group uploaded the video on their blog and took all the credit for editing the video, which was very frustrating for me as they didn't get involved with the editing even if it was just giving some ideas of how the video could be portrayed. Therefore i did not work in a group to do my music video coursework.

For this video I got different songs edited together to make the video longer but still interesting. I done quite a lot of fast shots which was very difficult to achieve however very good for practice and to keep the audience attention, I also done good effects using camera shots and actors to achieve a more professional music video.